Multi-cultural music programme
In the evening of 17th February, delegates and other guests enjoyed music from Russia, India, and the United States. Some of the Christian ministers from the United States sang several selections from Christian hymns, including the favourite, “Amazing Grace.” Lyuba Basurmanova from Moscow played beautifully on the ancient stringed instrument, the gusli, as well as on folk instruments such as a bird whistle, wooden spoons, and accordion. Joginder Kaur and young women from the Gobind Sadan community sang a composition by Joginder Kaur in praise of all prophets, and Bhagat Ji of Gobind Sadan softly sang a Sikh hymn in praise of God. Svetlana Ashi from Tajakhastan delivered some of her original spiritual poetry with ecstatic expression. The evening ended with people from Russia, India, and the United States all doing spontaneous Punjabi bhangra dancing together.