Gobind Sadan
God's house Without Walls

Daily Activities and Prayer Life

While prayer continues around the clock there are particular times and places where the community gathers in prayer.

Main Compound

Prayer life starts at 2 am with morning prayers

Prayers are offered simultaneously at Guru Granth Sahib, at the Havan, and Baba Siri Chand ji’s shrine followed by singing Arta Guru Nanak Dev ji of Baba Siri Chand ji.

Prakash – ceremonial opening of Guru Granth Sahib and reading of the Hukam Nama. After the reading, Prasad and often fruit is distributed to everyone present. We accept with both hands cupped.

Akhand Path – Continuous readings of Guru Granth Sahib are begun at 2 am and finish exactly 48 hours later. Community members take turns (often 2 hour shifts) reading and you’ll see people reverently waving the Chauri Sahib over the scripture throughout the time. For special occasions such as the holy day celebrations, as many as 13 scriptures may be read simultaneously and the whole room will be filled with an almost ethereal atmosphere.

3 am– Nitnem – recitation of 5 daily prayers

4 am – Singing – Asa Di War – traditional hymn from Guru Granth Sahib

7:50 am  – Singing of Nasro Mansur Guru Gobind Singh, a hymn in praise of Guru Gobind Singh

8 am – Prayer in main compound

8:15 am -9:30 am – Chanting of Baba Siri Chand’s praises in main Havan

11:45 am – Singing  Nasro Mansur Guru Gobind Singh

Noon prayer

5 pm – Evening prayers

  • Kirtan on veranda in main compound
  • Rahras – evening prayer
  • Ardas – community prayer and the reading of the “Evening Order”
  • Followed by singing of Guru Nanak Dev ji’s Aarti. 3 ceremonial trays of 21 oil lamps are lit at this time.
  • Sukhasan – the closing of Guru Granth Sahib for the night.
  • The congregation then moves to the Havan. Jaap Sahib, Chandi Di Var, Hanuman Chalisa and Nasro Mansur Gobind Singh
  • The evening prayers end with Prasad being distributed and everyone moves to the Langar for their evening meal.

Tuesday nights, in honor of Hanumanji, rot is prepared and villagers come from miles around to receive this special blessing.

The Main Havan

Located in the main compound, this sacred fire has been burning continuously on this same spot since 1968 when Gobind Sadan was first established. Prayer is offered 24 hours a day. People sit in silent meditation (reciting Nam) or recite Jaap Sahib. The spiritual power here is palpable. The holy ash is noted for its great healing power. Prayers are offered here for ones personal life, health, family, or livelihood are usually answered.

The Peace Havan

Located in the private hillside garden, (beyond the hall), prayer continues 24 hours a day for world peace. No personal requests are allowed here.

Jesus’s Place

6:30 – Each evening, 125 candles are lit and people gather to share the Lord’s Prayers in whatever languages are represented, followed by singing of Jesus’s praise.
The Menorah that stands beside Jesus is also lit.
Water from the spring that flows over Jesus’s feet has great curative power and many people have been healed. Once again Jesus’s place is always open and anyone is welcome to spend time there.


Nimaz prayers are offered 5 times a day. Everyone is welcome to join.

"God will give power to those who have love in their hearts, and a sweet tongue. A person who speaks of peace but has sword in hand—That Water will inevitably come to wash him away."

Baba Virsa Singh JI

The university is one. The Vice Chancellor is one. How can the teaching be different, though in different languages?

Baba Virsa Singh Ji

Our mind is sick and weak, but we are looking for cures for the body.

Baba Virsa Singh Ji

That seed which you sow in the early morning will keep bearing fruit.

Baba Virsa Singh Ji

“Keep growing in love for your Master. Do not look to this side or that or even at the path ahead, because people will always be criticizing you.”

Baba Virsa Singh

“Trees do not wear crosses, but the great spiritual beings see God in trees. Water has no symbols, but Guru Gobind Singh says, ‘My God is in water.”

Baba Virsa Singh JI

"We do spiritual practices to gradually prepare the way for enlightenment. It does not come immediately."

Baba Virsa Singh JI

"Management does not change things. It is God who changes people."

Baba Virsa Singh JI

"Our mind is not controlled. It is a fire fed by wood from the whole world."

Baba Virsa Singh JI

"Think that everything in this world exists with God’s blessings, whether we regard it as pleasant or unpleasant."

Baba Virsa Singh JI

"First look within yourself, and then you will see God everywhere."

Baba Virsa Singh JI

"If we keep faith and love in difficulties, and pray for those who abuse us, we will always remain happy & free."

Baba Virsa Singh Ji

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