Catalog formats
Formats, especially media need full descriptions.
Paper formats:
Soft cover
Hard cover
Media formats – for physical distributions
Audio CD
Music DVD
MP3 Disc
Enhanced Audio CD
Video CD (VCD)
Super Video CD (SVCD)
DivX Disc
Media encoding formats – for download
PDF (Acrobat)
Windows AVI
Real Video
Real Audio
Audio Book
Full descriptions
Audio CD: This CD can be played in most home or car stereo CD
players, set-top DVD players, and computers. It is similar to a standard
commercial CD you can purchase in music stores. This is the best
choice for playback in a CD player.
Music DVD: This DVD can be played in a set-top DVD player or in a
Macintosh or a Windows computer with a DVD player. A music DVD
can contain over 50 hours of music and has full navigation menus for
song selection. This is the best choice for playback in a DVD player.
MP3 Disc: This CD or DVD can be played in home or car stereo MP3
disc players, some set-top DVD players, and most Macintosh and
Windows computers. MP3 discs have longer playing times than audio
CDs but their playback is less universal. See Making an MP3 Disc on
Enhanced Audio CD: This CD can be played in a home or car stereo
CD player. It contains additional data content, which is accessible in a
Macintosh or Windows computer.
Video CD (VCD): This CD can be played in most set-top DVD
players. A VCD holds approximately 60 minutes of video or slideshows
and offers good quality, but menu navigation is limited. Playing VCDs
on a computer usually requires additional player software. This is the
best choice if you only have a CD recorder on your computer.
Super Video CD (SVCD): This CD can be played in some set-top
DVD players. An SVCD holds approximately 20 minutes of video or
slideshows and offers better quality, but menu navigation is limited.
Playing SVCDs on a computer usually requires additional player
DVD-Video: This DVD can be played in a set-top DVD player or in a
Macintosh or a Windows computer with a DVD player. A DVD can
hold between 2 and 5 hours of video or slideshows and offers the best
quality and full navigation menus. This is the best choice for playback
in a DVD player.
DivX Disc: This CD, or DVD disc can be played in a set-top DVD
player that supports DivX discs. DivX discs on DVD can hold 10 times
more video than a DVD-Video disc and offer high quality, but have no
menu navigation and less universal playback. DivX HD discs offer
720p high-definition video resolution, which DVD-Video cannot.
Playing DivX discs on a computer usually requires additional player