Gobind Sadan
God's house Without Walls

Lohri and Russian 2010 New Years Celebrated

Gobind Sadan celebrated Lohri, a traditional Punjabi holiday linked with the day that the earth begins to lean toward and come closer to the sun in its elliptical orbit. It is considered said to be the coldest day of the year but also the beginning of the end of winter weather. People who have had a child or a marriage during the year bring popcorn, peanuts, sesame candies, and crystal sugar to be offered into a big bonfire and also distributed for eating, in celebration of these happy events. see gallery

This year at Gobind Sadan, young Gurpreet Singh was honored by his parents Bunti and Peggy Jolly and his uncle, Harvinder Singh, Secretary of His Holiness Baba Virsa Singh ji Memorial Trust, and his grandmother with great bags of Lohri treats. Afterward he joined the sangat in throwing handsful first into the havan and then into a bonfire in the field behind the information centre, as Bhagat Ji and Baba Hardip Singh led the sangat in singing praises of Baba Siri Chand and Baba Virsa Singh Ji and in singing Nam-“Ek Onkar Sat Nam Siri Wahe Guru.”

This year Lohri coincided with the traditional Russian New Year, which marks the end of Christmas celebrations in Russia. Russian guests joined the Lohri celebration and then lit candles at the Christmas crèche scene and around the big tree in the guest compound.


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"God will give power to those who have love in their hearts, and a sweet tongue. A person who speaks of peace but has sword in hand—That Water will inevitably come to wash him away."

Baba Virsa Singh JI

The university is one. The Vice Chancellor is one. How can the teaching be different, though in different languages?

Baba Virsa Singh Ji

Our mind is sick and weak, but we are looking for cures for the body.

Baba Virsa Singh Ji

That seed which you sow in the early morning will keep bearing fruit.

Baba Virsa Singh Ji

“Keep growing in love for your Master. Do not look to this side or that or even at the path ahead, because people will always be criticizing you.”

Baba Virsa Singh

“Trees do not wear crosses, but the great spiritual beings see God in trees. Water has no symbols, but Guru Gobind Singh says, ‘My God is in water.”

Baba Virsa Singh JI

"We do spiritual practices to gradually prepare the way for enlightenment. It does not come immediately."

Baba Virsa Singh JI

"Management does not change things. It is God who changes people."

Baba Virsa Singh JI

"Our mind is not controlled. It is a fire fed by wood from the whole world."

Baba Virsa Singh JI

"Think that everything in this world exists with God’s blessings, whether we regard it as pleasant or unpleasant."

Baba Virsa Singh JI

"First look within yourself, and then you will see God everywhere."

Baba Virsa Singh JI

"If we keep faith and love in difficulties, and pray for those who abuse us, we will always remain happy & free."

Baba Virsa Singh Ji

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