On 14 November, Gobind Sadan in Delhi joyously celebrated Diwali and Bandi Chhor Divas from morning to night. Diwali is the Hindu celebration of light, commemorating the return of Lord Ram from 14 years of exile, with the triumph of goodness over evil. For Sikhs, the day also commemorated the release of young Guru Hargobind, the Sixth Sikh Guru, from Gwalior prison, leading to freedom 52 Hindu kings and princes who had also been imprisoned there.
The resident Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims, and Christians at Gobind Sadan celebrated this special day together by cleaning and painting the holy places, making auspicious Rangoli designs with colored powders, enjoying coffee and snacks, and receiving gifts donated by generous sevadars, including blankets and socks for the children, warm pullovers and turbans for the staff, ayurvedic foot cream for the women who volunteer in the langar, and boxes of nuts and raisins for everyone.Ā Then at night thousands of divas and candles were set out everywhere, including Jesusā Place, the mosque, the temples, Gurdwara Sarbat Sangat, Maharaj jiās garden, the āGreen Room,āĀ and Baba Siri Chandās havan.
The event was arranged at Gurdwara Sarbat Sangat and the community center by Baba Virsa Singh Ji Maharaj Memorial Trust and Baba Virsa Singh Foundation. Gobind Sadan centers in Sarawan Bodla, Punjab, and Chandigarh also had large and happy celebrations. During this corona virus time, many families celebrated at home, remembering the great unifying tradition initiated by Baba Virsa Singh Ji Maharaj: celebrating the holy days of all religions.