“Twenty years ago, amidst a scene of hate-inspired destruction, people were touched, even transformed by the power of Babaji’s message of forgiveness and the spiritual power present at Gobind Sadan USA, embodied by the miracle of Siri Guru Granth Sahib ji, not only surviving the fire, but triumphing over the hatred, it’s Light shining through the darkness. Now this night, people braved the weather and fear of co-vid to gather in celebration of the forgiveness and healing of Babaji’s light, and to experience first-hand the power of coming together in that Love. Speaker after speaker shared not only how the events had transformed their lives but also what Babaji’s message and Gobind Sadan can mean to healing the world today.”
[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.gobindsadan.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/New_MASTER-20th-anniversary-brochure-w-pics-noted-1.pdf” title=”New_MASTER 20th anniversary brochure w pics noted (1)”]