Gobind Sadan
God's house Without Walls

Tributes to Major Sahib

With the passing of Bhai Kirpal Singh the Sikh community in general and the close-knit Sangat of Gobind Sadan in particular, has lost a big treasure of knowledge. He was a learned person and a great research scholar. His in-depth knowledge and understanding of various reiligions and religious scriptures of the world was unique in itself. Above all,

his total and unmatched devotion to Maharaj ji (Baba Virsa Singh ji) is another feather in his cap. he used to follow Maharaj ji’s Hukam in letter and spirit. Until his last breath, he was following the hukam sincerely and diligently. There would be no exxegeration to say that there is no one in our community who could fill the vaccum created by his demise.

Personally, my family has suffered a big loss because we used to treat him as an elderely person of our own family. While in India, as and when we requested him to visit us, he agreed without much ado if the time allowed him to do so. If it was not convenient, he would tell us frankly but politely so that the kids don’t feel bad. He would always share his knowledge, experience and wisdom with us. We still remember even the minutest things he shared with us. He was very respectful in his dealings with others. He used to address me as Kalra Sahib. Often I requested him not to use Sahib as a suffix to my last name because I am much much younger to him. But he would say ” no you deserve to be addressed like that’. His simplicity, uprightness, devotion, politeness and wisdom can never be forgotton. His self-less service to Gobind Sadan and the humanity as a whole will serve as an example for the generations to come.

May his soul always rest in peace in the lotus feet of Almighty God and may we all be granted enough courage to bear this irreparable loss’.

Jaspal s kalra

After 20 years with Major Sahib, my most recent memories are of testing his blood sugar periodically. Without notice, he would show up outside my office early in the morning, having walked up the hill by himself on an empty stomach to dispassionately offer his hand for me to wield the machine that pierced his dear skin. It was always that way. Whatever needed to be done, he did it with discipline and dedication, without complaint or consideration of his personal comfort. When our beloved Baba Virsa Singh was with us, he would always call Major Sahib to sit beside him late into the night, engaging in the most extraordinary dialogues with him almost until the time that Major Sahib had to leave to prepare for 2 a.m. prayers. The scholar and the saint had great love and respect for each other. When Major Sahib told stories about Babaji or about other great spiritual personalities, he was often so touched that he began to weep. When he approached the place where Babaji was sitting, often on the veranda under the great pipal tree, he would with tremendous effort slowly, slowly drop to his knees in order to bow before his beloved teacher.

Major Sahib always told me that his principle was to never leave any unfinished work until tomorrow. His library desk was always clear when he left in the evening. If the car was late, he would start walking himself, despite his advanced age, never wanting to waste any time waiting. When he walked-until recently, without a cane-he would lurch to one side and then to the other side. But he didn’t fall. One could nearly see the angels who must have been his constant companions, catching him and propping him up.

For many summers, Major Sahib offered a camp in Sikh studies for sangat children. He always held it in the hottest summer weather, because that was when they were on vacation. The children adored him. Often there was a stray child who didn’t seem to belong to anyone, and inevitably that child would stick very close to Major Sahib, like a beloved grandfather.

It is very hard to imagine Gobind Sadan without Major Sahib, for he filled so many duties so well. When he would stand so straight and with such a strong and deliberate voice recite Ardas, we all paid close attention. Whether for his evening talks or any spontaneous occasion, he could speak extemporaneously for hours on end about any spiritual subject, from any religion. Whenever we needed to trace any quotation from Guru Granth Sahib, it was Major Sahib who could always find it-and make sure that we wrote it out correctly. He always got his monthly newsletter out on time, and his bookkeeping was a model of precision.

After such a long life of such dedication to God’s mission, followed by physical decline at the end, Major Sahib seemed to be ready to go. We are grateful that he passed on peacefully. But we miss him dearly. We can never replace him, for he was a unique gem with which Babaji adorned Gobind Sadan.

Marypat Fisher

Major Sahib was one of the most precious jewels of Maharaj ji’s Court. One can’t explain his selfless sewa in words. We will miss his presence in Gobind Sadan always.

Narinder Kaur


I learnt about Gobind Sadan and the peace which prevails in the Gobind Sadan’s environment through a Maharashtrian colleague in my new job after retirement from Indian Navy in 2005. On every visit to this uniquely peaceful “Gobind’s Abode”, I tried seeking darshan of Maharaj ji but was fortunate to have a glimpse of Maharaj ji only once during the annual celeberation 2005. When Maharaj ji passed away, I got to know more about Maharaj ji and Gobind Sadan during the 8 pm discourses so lovingly rendered by Major Sahib, which are vivid even now and which endeared me to this institution of love, understanding , universal brotherhood and compassion. Major Sahib was fully at ease in English , Hindi and Panjabi and a religious scholar with experienced learning and deep knowledge of the essence of spirituality in various scriptures and Sri Guru Granth Sahib.

Major Sahib’s discourses soon after Maharaj ji left this world, were so touching that it seems I have met Maharaj ji several times, while actually it is only through the words spoken by my father like Major Sahib ji. Major Sahib must be in a state of bliss which only few can aspire to have.

Jasbir Singh

C.S. Electric

I am at a loss of words to describe my feelings for Major Sahib. For me personally it is a great loss since I worked with him extensively during the last years of his life. Major Sahib was blessed with an exceptional memory. During my recordings with him, I would be amazed how he recalled the historical dates even at the age of 94. He had in-depth knowledge of all religions & could speak for hours on each religion. He also knew most of the Sikh scriptures by heart & would at time even start reciting from scriptures of other religions. In the Gobind Sadan Library he collected some of the most precious books of different religions & studied most of them. He was able to explain the meaning of many of the verses from the Sikh scriptures.

Having served in the army for 32 years (1934-1966) Major Sahib maintained a strict discipline in his life. He was a shining example of one of the main preachings of Maharaj ji which was that one should never sit idle & should always do ‘Kirat’. Even when he was not well he would still come to the Gobind Sadan Library & do his work. At times we had to tell him to take it easy & to take rest in his room but he would refuse. He worked for Maharaj ji’s mission till the last days of his life. He would get up just after midnight & then (as per Maharaj ji’s instructions) follow the same routine that Guru Nanak Dev ji established at Kartarpur. He would do the first ardas at Gobind Sadan at 2 am & then he did the nitnem & other recitations till 5 am.

He had a strong will power & once he decided to do something he would do it with single minded determination. He never asked for help. I remember few months before Major Sahib passed away, I saw him getting ready to leave for some place. So I asked him where he was planning to go. I was shocked when he told me that he was planning to go to Shahdara (which is the other end of Delhi) & that too after changing at least 3 different DTC buses. When I told him that it would be difficult for him, he said “Don’t worry, I know my way”.

He co-authored many books like Two Swords of Guru Gobind Singh ji in England, Rebels Against The British Raj, Struggle For Free Hindustan – Ghadar Directory & Sikh Lok Itihaas. He also wrote on different topics of Sikh religion like Naam Simran, Sikh Rehani, Guru Gobind Singh ji – Sadhana ate Sahit & Sri Guru Granth Sahib Vichaar & were published by Gobind Sadan.

Major Sahib passed away a few days before his 95th birthday (he was born on 15th Dec 1915). He was one of the pillars of Gobind Sadan & the sangat will always miss his lectures. I’m sure he will always be remembered, after all it was he who named Gobind Sadan on 18th June 1968 (the year he first met Maharaj ji).

May Maharaj ji bless his soul.

Capt. Brahmjit S Grewal

Please accept my condolence for Major Sahib’s demise. It is actually painful to lose a senior, guiding person. Some gaps remain unfilled and Major Sahib’s experience and personality was unmatchable, so humble, so polite. I happened to meet Major Sahib last year. He was not feeling well and lost his balance and was about to fall when I caught hold of one of his arms. He said that he was impressed by the respect I hold for elderly people. It was obviously my duty. I pray for Rest to the Departed Soul. May his Guidance and Teachings always remain in our hearts.
Warm Regards
Parminder Kaur

Major Sahib-as we called him passed away on 12/9/2010 .He was the person who handled replies from Holi Maharajji to all of us. His Knowledge of various religions was remarkable and the way he told stories in the evening was interesting. We have known him since 1971 and had great regards for him. My eldest brother Lt. Col. Madan Mullick spoke to him daily for a few minutes until 2008-until he passed away. My other older brother Maj. Gen. Basant Mullick and others in our family spoke to him regularly. His interview in Gobindsadan website was very informative of events over 45 years. OUR LOVE AND RESPECT to this GREAT SOUL.
Satinder, Mohini Mullick and family

I am loss of all words to say condolences regarding the demise of our most loved Shriman Major Sahib ji. I and my entire family personally at great loss to know that Major Sahib has left us to finally merge with Maharaj Sahib ji. I just cannot put any word for such a loss to us and Gobind Sadan.
Mohinder Singh,
Director of Bhai Vir Singh Sahitya Sadan.

The Man S. Kirpal Singh jee…when ever he visited to jalandhar…firstly come to our home. HE was the friend of my father from their childhood. He and my father talked about Gurbani…and I was surprised he takes a very little simple food…and talked about SHABADs, GURBANI through the night and slept only two or three hours…he was a true saint, the lovers of God, and a true sikh. I always listen him very carefully and my wife was always busy to cook delicious food for him…but he takes very simple and light food. He was the man who, was fully satisfied and lives in the ORDER OF GURU. hardly, very rare people are alike him. Now he is no more. He mingle with the JOYETI OF GURU AS THE WATER WITH THE MILk. May God Bless Us To Follow His Teachings. He will always be in our hearts.
Surinder Singh, Jalandhar

Major Saheb (Kirpal Singh ji) was the gem of Gobind Sadan and a good friend of my grand father (Baba Inder Singh ji). His knowledge in Gurbani and all other scriptures was tremendous. He always humbly kept serving for Gobind Sadan’s mission. Major Saheb helped me a lot. I was fortunate to be near him in 2007 and learn many things. Peace with you Major Saheb.
Winny (Baba Inder Singh’s Grandson)

Major Sahibji was the most humble person i have come across in my life. He was a very sincere and dedicated person. Even at this age he used to climb a number of stairs to come to our home without any complain. He taught me many things such as meditation,control on feelings etc. He was a scholar,he had memorised many verses of different holy books by heart. His life is an example for all of us.
Chirag Dudani Age- 16

"God will give power to those who have love in their hearts, and a sweet tongue. A person who speaks of peace but has sword in hand—That Water will inevitably come to wash him away."

Baba Virsa Singh JI

The university is one. The Vice Chancellor is one. How can the teaching be different, though in different languages?

Baba Virsa Singh Ji

Our mind is sick and weak, but we are looking for cures for the body.

Baba Virsa Singh Ji

That seed which you sow in the early morning will keep bearing fruit.

Baba Virsa Singh Ji

“Keep growing in love for your Master. Do not look to this side or that or even at the path ahead, because people will always be criticizing you.”

Baba Virsa Singh

“Trees do not wear crosses, but the great spiritual beings see God in trees. Water has no symbols, but Guru Gobind Singh says, ‘My God is in water.”

Baba Virsa Singh JI

"We do spiritual practices to gradually prepare the way for enlightenment. It does not come immediately."

Baba Virsa Singh JI

"Management does not change things. It is God who changes people."

Baba Virsa Singh JI

"Our mind is not controlled. It is a fire fed by wood from the whole world."

Baba Virsa Singh JI

"Think that everything in this world exists with God’s blessings, whether we regard it as pleasant or unpleasant."

Baba Virsa Singh JI

"First look within yourself, and then you will see God everywhere."

Baba Virsa Singh JI

"If we keep faith and love in difficulties, and pray for those who abuse us, we will always remain happy & free."

Baba Virsa Singh Ji

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