After his lifelong dedication to God, study of Dharma, and constant devotion to Babaji and Gobind Sadan, Bhai Kirpal Singh ji, known to all as Major Sahib, Gobind Sadan’s Head Granthi, the Institute’s Chief Research Scholar, and one of Gobind Sadan’s original residents, has left us. Those of us who knew him were fortunate indeed. His “Thank you, thank you,” for even the slightest help we could offer, will always echo in our hearts, and his Nam, Jaap Sahib, and evening talks will resound throughout the compound. It is hard to say, but I sense that the Darbar Sahib room, his library, and the havan, will miss their constant companion. It was after all, Major Sahib who named this sacred site, Gobind Sadan. We invite those who choose, to send their tributes to for posting on the Gobind Sadan website. Our love and prayers are with his family at this time. As a lasting tribute, his recordings will remain with us on the Bhai Kirpal Singh page of the Institute section.