Gobind Sadan
God's house Without Walls

Gobind Sadan News In Print Again

Free education is being provided to poor children of Gobind Sadan and the surrounding area under the auspices of The Guru Gobind Singh Educational Association, new association formed by Gobind Sadan devotees, with S. Dr. Rai Singh as Chair, S. U. S. Jolly, Former D.D.A. Principal Commissioner , Treasurer is S. Harbhajan Singh Kareer, ret’d Chief Manager of Punjab and Sind Bank, and Secretary, Sardar Harvinder Singh of NCERT.

Read more in the Gobind Sadan Times July, 2010

September 2010 Celebrations at Gobind Sadan

September 3:  Janamashtmi was enthusiastically celebrated both at Lord Krishna’s temple on the hillside and in the central Gobind Sadan dera. Many Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs came to the temple from Gobind Sadan and the surrounding area to sing songs about Lord Krishna and to rock baby Krishna in his cradle-swing. And in the dera, milky sweets and butter were distributed in honour of Lord Krishna near the swing set up for Him there.


On September 5th , a loving early celebration of Baba Siri Chand’s Birthday was held at the homes of Surinder and Lakhvinder Singh, sons of the late S. Mehal Singh, brother of Baba Virsa Singh Ji, near Malout in Punjab, under the guidance of Baba Virsa Singh Ji Maharaj Memorial Trust. Speakers and ragis brought out the true and great history of Baba Siri Chand Ji. Baba Rajinder Singh of Israna Sahib in Haryana  led the congregation in chanting “Ik Onkar Sat Nam Siri Wahe Guru.” He said, “This is the wealth of Baba Virsa Singh. He gave me so much and from him I learned so much about Baba Siri Chand Ji. We had the darshan of a mahapuraksh . They come to the world very rarely. And from him I learned to respect all avtars, all prophets, according to Guru Granth Sahib. You should all go to Gobind Sadan and do seva and Nam. These are very necessary if your life is to be successful and fulfilled.”


Baba Jarnail Singh of Bagthala, Kurukshetra, Haryana,  said of Baba Siri Chand, “You have so many virtues. How can I praise you? In Sarawan Bodla, where Maharaj Ji sat under Ber Sahib, we received such love. He told us to repeat after him, and what did he say? That which all Mahapurakshs had given: Ik Onkar Sat Nam Siri Wahe Guru. Who told him to recite this? That great, great Power whose birthday we are celebrating: Baba Siri Chand. When he was born, the pandit told his parents, ‘He will be Maharaj of Rajas.’ He isn’t far away-the only fault is ours. All the first six Gurus gave him such respect and so did Emperor Jehangir. If we understand, he is a very, very great Power. When we sincerely request him, he will give us darshan. May he bless all who have come here.”


Representatives of Gobind Sadan in Delhi who attended the function included S. Gurdev Singh and S. Ranbir Singh Khanna, members of the Baba Virsa Singh Ji Maharaj Memorial Trust. Dr. Surjit Kaur Jolly, Secretary of the Gobind Sadan Institute for Advanced Studies in Comparative Religion, told the history of Baba Siri Chand, saying, “From childhood I heard such wrong things about Baba Siri Chand-that he did not follow his father’s hukam. We should teach children our true tradition. Gobind Sadan is a great place where ancient  saints have walked. Now Maharaj in his invisible form is so present. He spoke such simple language. I have seen him standing twenty-four hours a day to bring crops out of wasteland, not for himself but to propagate this mission. Miracles of every sort are still happening at Gobind Sadan. By chanting of ‘Dhan Dhan Baba Siri Chand,’ all difficulties dissolve.”


Mary Pat Fisher of Gobind Sadan recounted, ” Gobind Sadan has been developed by Baba Virsa Singh Ji on the model created by Guru Nanak at Kartarpur, where Guru Nanak left Baba Siri Chand in charge of the farm when he went on his long journeys. It was Baba Siri Chand who taught people how to work hard and who also instructed Baba Virsa Singh Ji to combine intense meditation and hard work. Maharaj Ji always tried to bring out the true history of Baba Siri Chand, and sponsored many seminars and publications for this purpose. I have included information about Baba Siri Chand in all my college textbooks about religion, including translations published in countries such as Germany, Russia, and China. It is our duty to keep propagating the true message of Baba Siri Chand, according to the mission of Baba Virsa Singh Ji.”


Sri Shiv Rattan Masand, President of Punjabi Jaat Sabha, Meerut, UP, said, “Today I have understood Maharaj’s spiritual property, the message that he gave us. If you come to Shiv Sadan, you will see how hard he worked.  To today you can see how good a farm it still is. It is our responsibility to look after our father’s property, both worldly and spiritual.”


On September 9th ,   a group of students from the University of Waterloo in Canada happily visited all of Gobind Sadan’s holy places. Encouraged to share in the interfaith experience, a Jewish student in the group arranged a celebration of Yom Kippur , which ended with everyone’s asking blessings for the others.

On September 11th , thousands of Muslims, Sikhs, and Hindus came to Gobind Sadan’s mosque to celebrate Eid at the end of Ramadan. They prayed together in the rain and then were treated to sweet semian . Many of the leaders of the community gathered afterward to break their fast in the guesthouse.


The day of Baba Siri Chand’s birthday , September 16th , was honoured at Gobind Sadan by a special havan at Angeetha Sahib. Seven Akhand Paths were then held from September 17th to 19th . The sacred places were decorated with thousands of tiny lights, creating a heavenly atmosphere every night. A photo display of Gobind Sadan and Baba Siri Chand’s life was organized near the front gate. Students from Baba Virsa Singh Ji Maharaj Public School recited long poems at Jesus’ Place. Delicious langar was served nonstop. The powerful spiritual programme consisted of continuous day and night recitation of Jaap Sahib on the 17th and 18th including paths lead by Giani Iqbal Singh, Jathedar of Patna Sahib.  Devotees then chanted “Dhan Dhan Baba Siri Chand Sahib” nonstop on the 19th .  Rain always comes during Baba Siri Chand’s birthday celebrations, and this year was no exception.  A special English Edition of the 1st part of Giani Isher Singh ji Nara’s book on Baba Siri Chand ji, edited by Ralph Singh, with translation by Brahmjit Grewal and Dr. Kanwar Sonali Jolly-Wadhwa, was released by Gobind Sadan’s leadership. The thousands who came from near and far for the celebrations took the rain as a sign that God was happy with the mela.

Gobind Sadan Times in Print Again

Back by popular demand, the Baba Virsa Singh Ji Maharaj Memorial Trust will be printing Gobind Sadan Times newsletters again. Please make sure your address is up to date. They will also be archived on our official website in the Library. Send to info@gobindsadan.org

Baba Virsa Singh ji’s Baisakhi Talk

Baba Virsa Singh gave a special talk after the release of his book Loving God, on Baisakhi day in 2006. As it was never fully translated or published we reproduce his timeless teachings here.
Read more in the Gobind Sadan Times July, 2010

"God will give power to those who have love in their hearts, and a sweet tongue. A person who speaks of peace but has sword in hand—That Water will inevitably come to wash him away."

Baba Virsa Singh JI

The university is one. The Vice Chancellor is one. How can the teaching be different, though in different languages?

Baba Virsa Singh Ji

Our mind is sick and weak, but we are looking for cures for the body.

Baba Virsa Singh Ji

That seed which you sow in the early morning will keep bearing fruit.

Baba Virsa Singh Ji

“Keep growing in love for your Master. Do not look to this side or that or even at the path ahead, because people will always be criticizing you.”

Baba Virsa Singh

“Trees do not wear crosses, but the great spiritual beings see God in trees. Water has no symbols, but Guru Gobind Singh says, ‘My God is in water.”

Baba Virsa Singh JI

"We do spiritual practices to gradually prepare the way for enlightenment. It does not come immediately."

Baba Virsa Singh JI

"Management does not change things. It is God who changes people."

Baba Virsa Singh JI

"Our mind is not controlled. It is a fire fed by wood from the whole world."

Baba Virsa Singh JI

"Think that everything in this world exists with God’s blessings, whether we regard it as pleasant or unpleasant."

Baba Virsa Singh JI

"First look within yourself, and then you will see God everywhere."

Baba Virsa Singh JI

"If we keep faith and love in difficulties, and pray for those who abuse us, we will always remain happy & free."

Baba Virsa Singh Ji

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